Friday, May 1, 2009

The Goalkeeper

To start this we going to put a definition of what goalkeeper is thanks to wikipedia : "In association football, each team's goalkeeper defends his team's goal and has special privileges within the game. The goalkeeper's main job is to stop any penetration of the ball into the goal.In many team sports, a goalkeeper (termed goaltender, netminder, goalie, or keeper in some sports) is a designated player that is charged with directly preventing the opposite team from scoring by defending the goal. Such positions exist in hurling, association football, Gaelic football, International Rules Football, handball, ice hockey, field hockey, netball, water polo, bandy, lacrosse, floorball and a number of other sports." this also is important, i found a line which explain something : "Usually special rules apply to the goalkeeper that do not apply to the other players. These rules are often instituted to protect the goalkeeper, being an obvious target for dangerous or even violent actions."
Violent? yes the goalkeeper is the one who has to defend the goal with everything he can and the strickers of the other team are going to start trying harder to score and the could do things that may hurt the goalie.
Also something that gets me really mad is when people say : "why didnt you keep that that was an easy shot", well i want to see them try, in the moment when he shoots you have to think about other factors or ideas the player may have as passing, crossing or which side is he going to choose when is 1 on 1.
But the thing that is really offensive and I dont like when people say : "Goalie si the easyest job on the field, all you do is stand there and wait for the ball to come.", Well people YOU ARE WRONG, that is not the only thing the goalkeeper does, he has to be ready at all times, the goalie has to have a different prospective of the game and see and visualise from the goal the way the other players are playing.The goalkeeper has to comand the defense and give advise and support to the strickers and midfielders and probably yell the whole game, also the goalkeeper has to have a fast reaction and change of decition.
I think the goalkeeper is the most important job in the game , phisically is not as rough as the other players like be running around the whole game but mentally is really tough and when the ball is near then is on and the phisical challenge starts because i have to know what to do , how to dive and how to stop the ball, if you dont do it right you may get hurt.
Personally i love to be a galkeeper and they say Im really good at it which makes me really proud.

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