Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Feeling bad?

Mmm this weekend wasn’t as good as I specked it to be , it was pretty bad in many ways so I shouldn’t be talking about it but yeah, also I didn’t play no games at all I’m busy like all the time but this weekend wasn’t good just things didn’t work out and I don’t feel good about it, besides mothers day which was also bad because my mother is in Ecuador so I couldn’t be with her, my family organized a party on my aunts house on Saturday, man! It was bad! All my aunts felt bad because they teenager’s children were acting bad so made them feel bad, may be the only good thing on my aunts house which is play volleyball but it didn’t go well because I didn’t enjoy it! You may ask why didn’t you enjoy it? The answer is because I didn’t want to play that much thinking I was going to play next day.
Now soccer time! Oh sunny Sunday perfect for a soccer game maybe two or three but guess what? I didn’t play at all!!! First of all the Mexican team didn’t call me and the kind of coach dude never picked up the phone which he always does but he didn’t this time, the Ecuadorian team sent me a text saying that we were going to play at new heaven at 12:00 pm and he sent me that text at 11:40 it didn’t give me time to get ready or go or anything and the other Mexican team didn’t say nothing either, I just stood home without doing nothing spending about 12 hours on YouTube and 4 playing the demo of the UFC game on my Xbox, what a horrible way to spend my weekend.

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