Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Yes, practice makes perfection they say, is also true, practice is a good way to put your skills on test, I had fun in the practice yesterday at Bradley School in Derby with the Ecuachamos.
It was a pretty bad day for soccer because of the cold and the rainy afternoon but we got there anyways so we played and i wanted to keep as goodest as I could and I did but i made few mistakes, well probably just one but it was HORRIBLE because is one of the worst goals they have made on my goal, and the author is one person you already know : Mr.Tyson which made the goal just hurt me more that it would be a normal goal.
I told Mr.Tyson before the game that he wasn't score on me but he did just because he got really lucky but still is a goal, as I said in a past blog, THE RAIN IS AN ENEMY!!!
The ball was slippery so did my gloves and my swetpants so when he kicked the ball nice, low and really easy for me, what happened is that the ball sliped trough my gloves and also the middle of my legs, HE SCORED IN THE MIDDLE OF MY LEGS!!!
How bad is that , is like the worst thing they could do to a goalkeeper :( , but im pretty sure it aint going to happen again.

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