Thursday, May 21, 2009


Ok for the last 8 games I being having bad luck, in this case is not really bad luck but i don't know what's wrong with me I just keep making mistakes and errors mistakes and errors all the time and it just gets me really mad, I don't know if is my defence or what but the score "dumb" goals on me, ones that I could keep really easy but nah I don't and i hace being like that few games ago well really more than few.
Physically I feel great also really well at health but is just one thing that could get me like this and I know what it is but is not proper to write it in my blog, that is probably the only thing that is making me messed up so hard and make me suck, many people tell me to stop doing it and is really easy for me to leave it but I just don't, also I'm not trying hard enought when I try to leave it is a weird situation but ...yeah... so if i keep doing it I gonna suck for the rest of the seasons.

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