Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The enemies of a goalkeeper…

Yes as everyone goalkeepers also have enemies and things that can make the goalkeeper have a bad day on the field, in soccer is important to understand the facts that can take you to be the hero of your team. Soccer has advantages and things that are not good in this case; the first goalkeeper enemy (which I hate so much but I love it when I’m not playing) is THE RAIN.
The Rain in this case is the bad guy for goalkeepers, to start when the field is wet literally SUCKS! Because usually in the goal because of the goalies’ dives that little part of the field is 85% dirt, which with some nice and wet rain gets all muddy which is and enemy for me or any goalkeeper. Also when is raining the goalkeeper gloves get wet and so does the ball which drive the goalie to a bad act called “slip”.
Last Sunday I went to play at Success Park but… OH NO!!! It was raining, oh cruel rain! Which was going to drive me to one horrible game for me, first I kept getting stuck because of the mud so it was hard for me to dive, also when I did it was so slow that they scored anyways and I finish myself all muddy!
Now the slips it was a really easy shot, it went right to my hands but guess what??? It slipped but lucky my I had mi friend the pole that saved me from that one, it’s really hard to keep with rain so if you are goalie and its raining make sure to try not do so bad.

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