Friday, May 29, 2009

Soccer practice fun time

At practice in Bradley School yesterday we had our practice with the “Ecuachamos” Team which plays on Sundays at New Heaven. It was pretty fun and I was actually happy and ready to practice because last night I had a great game so I just wanted to keep keeping well so I was ready to show my 100 %.
It went pretty well for the first 40 minutes sort of, then after the second goal everything went down not really bad but they just scored 3 more, they were some pretty dumb goals but I also did many awesome saves yesterday which makes me feel a little better.
As I said in passed blogs rain is one of the worst enemies for the goalkeeper and even worst for a goalkeeper like me, I say this because I love to play with sweatpants and long sleeves so when they got wet it was really hard for me to move, but I still fought to try to have a great job showing them that I’m a lot better that a regular goalkeeper because I know I am.

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