Thursday, May 21, 2009

Too Much Soccer...

Ir there is anything wrong is probably saying that there is "Too much soccer" because soccer is fun and you can't get tired of it but actually this time is true because I'm TIRED, I've played alot alot of soccer the last few days and I just feel like I can't do it no more but I still do it, probably the worst part of this "crisis" I'm on is that I'm sucking as I said few blogs ago, all this is being bad because im not in my best level and they have score on me really easy goals on me so that is really frustraiting.
All this soccer problem is based on one thing which makes me suck and lots of problems that keeps my my head busy and out of the game so when they get near me for them is so easy to score, even know that all this soccer should help me to practice so i can get better and some how i know i will get to my level again, I'm the greatest young goalkeeper! so I'm sure I can do better that this.

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