Monday, May 4, 2009

Friends on the field !

Friends on the field oh great idea! The goalkeeper has many friends on the field, some of them are really important for the result of a good game for the goalkeeper, first a goalkeeper has to be friends with the ball as every other player but the goalie has to be something like “best friends” in this case, if a goalkeeper is not friend with the ball everything is just going to go wrong because he’ll be scared to the ball and things like that.
Now the poles on the goal, this is another really important factor but as you know poles are not alive but the way this works is may be a little weird, when the goalkeeper is friend with his 3 poles for some reason it makes a magnetic field, as crazy as it sounds it works, when the forward of the other team shoots and the goalkeeper doesn’t keep it and you think is going to be goal… what’s going to happen??? Yeah!!!! It hits the pole!!! Oh miracle is just a great way to save the day.
The defenders, last of the most important of the goalie’s friends, the defenders have to be ready at all times so the strikers won’t be a problem to the goalkeeper, but that’s not the only thing , the goalkeeper has to have a connection with his defenders so they can understand him easier and everything the goalie means and tries to do, and most of the times save him from problems, in a good team goalie and defenders are the ones who have to make sure to keep the score on 0.

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