Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tuesday Soccer Madness ?

Yeah, as crazy as it sounds once again soccer is crazy, las Tuesday I played since six pm. to one or two in the mornig, that is basicly way too much soccer, I went to practice at New Heaven with the team called "Ecuachamos" which is the team Mr.Tyson and I are in, we play alot, anywayz the point is that we started practice at 6 so he went to pick me up and we went to the place, none few minutes after the game started and i started sucking so it just wasn't going well at all.
Later on, I got home about eight thirty,I ate and the my fried David called me and he was like "we gotta go to play are you coming?" so I was like yeah sure so they picked me up and we went to Milford to some extrainge place but really nice so we started playing and I wasn't foing so well once again so we got out of the field a couple times because it was like who ever scores the goal the other team gets out something like that, so I was playing in two teams but I was sucking in the one of my friend (lol) while in the other team I was doing well because they didnt score on me all night, so we played untill like one or two in the morning, I was really tired after this "madness".

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