Thursday, May 28, 2009

Level Back

I'm so happy! Last night I had a great game, suddenly I realized that I’m getting my level back, this is so great since I stopped doing “that” which was probably the reason that was making me suck, but now it doesn’t matter because I’m getting to be the great goalkeeper I used to be before.
How wonderful everything is just going great for me except in my house which I have problems on because I’m always fighting with my dad, but still even know nobody is there for me to cheer me up or give me support I feel good because
I know now that I’m doing things the right way and everything is just going awesome.
As I was saying we won yesterday at Connecticut Sport Center against some blue team I don’t know, it was so awesome, I made some really great saves and everybody was happy with my job and those are just the things that make me feel so good.

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