Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Getting better???

This memorial weekend as every wekend, actually every day, was all soccer.
Last Friday we went to play at seaside park with many of my friends also at night I went to play indor at exit 31 with a Mexican team who called me, it was fun and actually I was getting back my level even know we lost I'm doing alot better also sinse I stopped doing the things i was doing which just messed up my self and made me keep bad .
Also last Sunday i played two games, one at seaside at 8:00 am, I didnt really wanted to play because i had a horrible "hangover" , but I didnt care and I went to play anyways.
The game was thugh even know my team sucks because must of them for some reason "suck" so they were many shots on my goal and many situations of danger in my area but I handled it very well, but they were a couple of shots that were real hard for me to keep so they scored.
What really hurt me besides the goals they scored on my that day is that we could of won, it was a pretty even game but destiny is just it, we lost 3-2.
The day wasnt over yet so I went to play at 3.00 with the "Ecuachamos" team in new heaven, that was well in other words a "easy game", it was horrible, starting with the other team which players doesnt even look like soccer players, they were old,fat and non soccer player looking and it happened they didnt get to my goal in the whole game , not even close, it was boring and we won 5 - 0 so it was a good day after all.

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