Friday, May 29, 2009

New Ecuadorian Squad for the Qualifiers

The Ecuadorian team after a horrible game played on U.S agains El Salvador last Wednesday (which Ecuador lost for a score of 3 - 1) The Ecuadorian D.T Sixto Visuete called up some new names for the team that is going to be in the next match of the qualifiers to South Africa 2010.
Even known the veteran goalkeeper Jose Francisco Cevallos traveled with Ecuador to Los Angeles, he wasn't considered in the game against El Salvador or in the new squad Sixto Visuete calle for the next game that is going to be player June 6 in Lima.
Sixto Visueta called the following names of the Ecuadorian team:

Marcelo Elizaga (Emelec)
Máximo Banguera (Barcelona)
Cristhian Mora (El Nacional)
Néicer Reasco (LDU Quito)
Jayro Campos (LDU Quito)
Marcelo Fleitas (Emelec)
Jorge Guagua (El Nacional)
Giovanny Espinoza (Barcelona)
Iván Hurtado (No Team)
Isaac Mina (Deportivo Quito)
Segundo Castillo (Everton - Inglaterra)
Pedro Quiñónez (Santos Laguna - México)
Fernando Hidalgo (Barcelona)
David Quiroz (Emelec)
Edison Méndez (PSV Eindhoven - Holanda)
Antonio Valencia (Wigan Athletic - Inglaterra)
Christian Noboa (Rubin Kazan - Rusia)
Joffre Guerrón (Getafe - España)
Walter Ayoví (Monterrey - México)
Jefferson Montero (Independiente José Terán)
Joao Rojas (Emelec)
Pablo Palacios (Barcelona)
Felipe Caicedo (Manchester City - Inglaterra)
Carlos Tenorio (No Team)

Soccer practice fun time

At practice in Bradley School yesterday we had our practice with the “Ecuachamos” Team which plays on Sundays at New Heaven. It was pretty fun and I was actually happy and ready to practice because last night I had a great game so I just wanted to keep keeping well so I was ready to show my 100 %.
It went pretty well for the first 40 minutes sort of, then after the second goal everything went down not really bad but they just scored 3 more, they were some pretty dumb goals but I also did many awesome saves yesterday which makes me feel a little better.
As I said in passed blogs rain is one of the worst enemies for the goalkeeper and even worst for a goalkeeper like me, I say this because I love to play with sweatpants and long sleeves so when they got wet it was really hard for me to move, but I still fought to try to have a great job showing them that I’m a lot better that a regular goalkeeper because I know I am.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Level Back

I'm so happy! Last night I had a great game, suddenly I realized that I’m getting my level back, this is so great since I stopped doing “that” which was probably the reason that was making me suck, but now it doesn’t matter because I’m getting to be the great goalkeeper I used to be before.
How wonderful everything is just going great for me except in my house which I have problems on because I’m always fighting with my dad, but still even know nobody is there for me to cheer me up or give me support I feel good because
I know now that I’m doing things the right way and everything is just going awesome.
As I was saying we won yesterday at Connecticut Sport Center against some blue team I don’t know, it was so awesome, I made some really great saves and everybody was happy with my job and those are just the things that make me feel so good.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Yes, practice makes perfection they say, is also true, practice is a good way to put your skills on test, I had fun in the practice yesterday at Bradley School in Derby with the Ecuachamos.
It was a pretty bad day for soccer because of the cold and the rainy afternoon but we got there anyways so we played and i wanted to keep as goodest as I could and I did but i made few mistakes, well probably just one but it was HORRIBLE because is one of the worst goals they have made on my goal, and the author is one person you already know : Mr.Tyson which made the goal just hurt me more that it would be a normal goal.
I told Mr.Tyson before the game that he wasn't score on me but he did just because he got really lucky but still is a goal, as I said in a past blog, THE RAIN IS AN ENEMY!!!
The ball was slippery so did my gloves and my swetpants so when he kicked the ball nice, low and really easy for me, what happened is that the ball sliped trough my gloves and also the middle of my legs, HE SCORED IN THE MIDDLE OF MY LEGS!!!
How bad is that , is like the worst thing they could do to a goalkeeper :( , but im pretty sure it aint going to happen again.

Getting better???

This memorial weekend as every wekend, actually every day, was all soccer.
Last Friday we went to play at seaside park with many of my friends also at night I went to play indor at exit 31 with a Mexican team who called me, it was fun and actually I was getting back my level even know we lost I'm doing alot better also sinse I stopped doing the things i was doing which just messed up my self and made me keep bad .
Also last Sunday i played two games, one at seaside at 8:00 am, I didnt really wanted to play because i had a horrible "hangover" , but I didnt care and I went to play anyways.
The game was thugh even know my team sucks because must of them for some reason "suck" so they were many shots on my goal and many situations of danger in my area but I handled it very well, but they were a couple of shots that were real hard for me to keep so they scored.
What really hurt me besides the goals they scored on my that day is that we could of won, it was a pretty even game but destiny is just it, we lost 3-2.
The day wasnt over yet so I went to play at 3.00 with the "Ecuachamos" team in new heaven, that was well in other words a "easy game", it was horrible, starting with the other team which players doesnt even look like soccer players, they were old,fat and non soccer player looking and it happened they didnt get to my goal in the whole game , not even close, it was boring and we won 5 - 0 so it was a good day after all.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wednesday lost?

Remember the Ecuadorian team of Tuesdays ? yeah, it came back but on Wednesdays, also a little bit improved, it was pretty fun but we lost, as crazy as that also sounds we were wining 3 to 0 it looked like a really easy game but they scored on me many times later on which made it a little frustraiting because i thought we were going to win but it was also alot dramatic, we were 3 to 3 and they scored, then we scored then they scored then we scored, suddendly without noticing the game was 5 to 5 with few minutes left on the clock.
Almost last minute of the game and it happened, one on one at the last minute of the game, oh preasure, what to do? what is he going to do? guess what???
I kept it but also guess what???, How funny, the shot was too hard that sliped my hands and went really nice and slow all the way to my goal but, it was also dramatic because i got up from the floor and dove again and hit the ball befor it hits the line, and guess what?
It went all the line as if the line was a road and then just turned to the left and got into the goal, all this happened in less than 10 seconds (lol) so we lost 6 to 5.

Tuesday Soccer Madness ?

Yeah, as crazy as it sounds once again soccer is crazy, las Tuesday I played since six pm. to one or two in the mornig, that is basicly way too much soccer, I went to practice at New Heaven with the team called "Ecuachamos" which is the team Mr.Tyson and I are in, we play alot, anywayz the point is that we started practice at 6 so he went to pick me up and we went to the place, none few minutes after the game started and i started sucking so it just wasn't going well at all.
Later on, I got home about eight thirty,I ate and the my fried David called me and he was like "we gotta go to play are you coming?" so I was like yeah sure so they picked me up and we went to Milford to some extrainge place but really nice so we started playing and I wasn't foing so well once again so we got out of the field a couple times because it was like who ever scores the goal the other team gets out something like that, so I was playing in two teams but I was sucking in the one of my friend (lol) while in the other team I was doing well because they didnt score on me all night, so we played untill like one or two in the morning, I was really tired after this "madness".

Too Much Soccer...

Ir there is anything wrong is probably saying that there is "Too much soccer" because soccer is fun and you can't get tired of it but actually this time is true because I'm TIRED, I've played alot alot of soccer the last few days and I just feel like I can't do it no more but I still do it, probably the worst part of this "crisis" I'm on is that I'm sucking as I said few blogs ago, all this is being bad because im not in my best level and they have score on me really easy goals on me so that is really frustraiting.
All this soccer problem is based on one thing which makes me suck and lots of problems that keeps my my head busy and out of the game so when they get near me for them is so easy to score, even know that all this soccer should help me to practice so i can get better and some how i know i will get to my level again, I'm the greatest young goalkeeper! so I'm sure I can do better that this.

Barcelona vs Deportivo Cuenca

Barcelona, my favorite team in the Ecuadorian league played las Sunday against Deportivo Cuenca in the City of Cuenca (Ecuador) as everything for me is not going well, Barcelona lost 1-0. Deportivo Cuenca started wining in the first few minutes of the secong half when Orrego after a corner kick shoted by Matamoros, Orrego already missed a goal in the first half by this time he didnt and it was the time for Deportivo Cuenca to get ahead in the scoring board.

Barcelona tryed hard to tie the game or win in but their tryes weren't enought to beat the "morlacos" of Cuenca, Barcelona lost and gets the eighth place in the table of the league, how bad that my favorite team is sucking, I want them to win so but, I want them to be champions.


Ok for the last 8 games I being having bad luck, in this case is not really bad luck but i don't know what's wrong with me I just keep making mistakes and errors mistakes and errors all the time and it just gets me really mad, I don't know if is my defence or what but the score "dumb" goals on me, ones that I could keep really easy but nah I don't and i hace being like that few games ago well really more than few.
Physically I feel great also really well at health but is just one thing that could get me like this and I know what it is but is not proper to write it in my blog, that is probably the only thing that is making me messed up so hard and make me suck, many people tell me to stop doing it and is really easy for me to leave it but I just don't, also I'm not trying hard enought when I try to leave it is a weird situation but ...yeah... so if i keep doing it I gonna suck for the rest of the seasons.

Soccer with friends!

How wonderfull, have fun with my friends playing soccer in our own team at Sea side Park on Sunday.Last sunday we played against a Mexican team called Aztecas at Seaside park with my friends, i had fun which is the most important thing but as most of the time we lost, for some reason i keep making big mistakes and lots of errors, everything is just not going well for me.
The score was 4 to 1, it was very thugh for us specially for me becacause litterally my defence SUCKED , so I had alot of work and I am not goint to lie so I gonna admit that I did made few mistakes and a real big one which caused a goal, being a goalkeeper is thughest than it looks but I enjoy playing it even more when I play with my friends.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Feeling bad?

Mmm this weekend wasn’t as good as I specked it to be , it was pretty bad in many ways so I shouldn’t be talking about it but yeah, also I didn’t play no games at all I’m busy like all the time but this weekend wasn’t good just things didn’t work out and I don’t feel good about it, besides mothers day which was also bad because my mother is in Ecuador so I couldn’t be with her, my family organized a party on my aunts house on Saturday, man! It was bad! All my aunts felt bad because they teenager’s children were acting bad so made them feel bad, may be the only good thing on my aunts house which is play volleyball but it didn’t go well because I didn’t enjoy it! You may ask why didn’t you enjoy it? The answer is because I didn’t want to play that much thinking I was going to play next day.
Now soccer time! Oh sunny Sunday perfect for a soccer game maybe two or three but guess what? I didn’t play at all!!! First of all the Mexican team didn’t call me and the kind of coach dude never picked up the phone which he always does but he didn’t this time, the Ecuadorian team sent me a text saying that we were going to play at new heaven at 12:00 pm and he sent me that text at 11:40 it didn’t give me time to get ready or go or anything and the other Mexican team didn’t say nothing either, I just stood home without doing nothing spending about 12 hours on YouTube and 4 playing the demo of the UFC game on my Xbox, what a horrible way to spend my weekend.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Warren Harding's soccer team?

The Warren Harding high school’s soccer team is not going very well, Mr. Tyson and I are trying to make the best team we can for this year, but as you know is not going well, we have try to call people to come to practice so we can be ready for next year but they just don’t show interest as they should for this important sport. I told Mr. Tyson that we should be ashamed because the girl’s soccer team even known they are not official are practicing and our team that is the main thing we’re just waiting for next year without doing nothing, well at least me and Mr. Tyson can’t complain because we are playing personally so we still in shape and getting better but we need to do something for the school team.
Also yesterday we were coming up with new ideas for the team as formation and tactics for the team, I came up with the best idea we could have thanks to I like soccer a lot and I besides playing it in real life I also play a lot of soccer on my Xbox so pro evolution soccer is the game if we want to have fun and create your own team in many ways so I came up with this formation of 3-1-2-1-3 which can take us to lead next year, he thought that was a great idea and we may use it next year, I have the feeling next year is going to be a great year for us.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Hmm money problems are really bad, I don’t know what to do, I want to play with the Ecuadorian team called “Ecuachamos” somewhere in New Heaven, and the actually want me to play with them but they need 48 dollars for I think the inscription of the team or something like that, the problem is: where am I going to get the money from???
Ok I’m 15 years old, I can’t get a job, the only way of getting money is asking my dad for it but I don’t have a good relationship with him so that’s a problem, I really want to play with them!!! They have a good and pretty decent team I think we could to something with it in the future.
Other problem is that I want to play with them but the games are on Sundays I’m already playing with a team called “New Mexico” at Success Par so it’s a problem if someday the make both games at the same time or around the same time, also my friend wants me to play with him but if I accept is not going to go well because they will be three games on the same day and I have school on Monday so that will be a problem because I’m usually tired already so more for me will be impossible, but the only thing I want is play soccer because I love to do it and I do it well, even know I being sucking in the last few games.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The enemies of a goalkeeper…

Yes as everyone goalkeepers also have enemies and things that can make the goalkeeper have a bad day on the field, in soccer is important to understand the facts that can take you to be the hero of your team. Soccer has advantages and things that are not good in this case; the first goalkeeper enemy (which I hate so much but I love it when I’m not playing) is THE RAIN.
The Rain in this case is the bad guy for goalkeepers, to start when the field is wet literally SUCKS! Because usually in the goal because of the goalies’ dives that little part of the field is 85% dirt, which with some nice and wet rain gets all muddy which is and enemy for me or any goalkeeper. Also when is raining the goalkeeper gloves get wet and so does the ball which drive the goalie to a bad act called “slip”.
Last Sunday I went to play at Success Park but… OH NO!!! It was raining, oh cruel rain! Which was going to drive me to one horrible game for me, first I kept getting stuck because of the mud so it was hard for me to dive, also when I did it was so slow that they scored anyways and I finish myself all muddy!
Now the slips it was a really easy shot, it went right to my hands but guess what??? It slipped but lucky my I had mi friend the pole that saved me from that one, it’s really hard to keep with rain so if you are goalie and its raining make sure to try not do so bad.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Friends on the field !

Friends on the field oh great idea! The goalkeeper has many friends on the field, some of them are really important for the result of a good game for the goalkeeper, first a goalkeeper has to be friends with the ball as every other player but the goalie has to be something like “best friends” in this case, if a goalkeeper is not friend with the ball everything is just going to go wrong because he’ll be scared to the ball and things like that.
Now the poles on the goal, this is another really important factor but as you know poles are not alive but the way this works is may be a little weird, when the goalkeeper is friend with his 3 poles for some reason it makes a magnetic field, as crazy as it sounds it works, when the forward of the other team shoots and the goalkeeper doesn’t keep it and you think is going to be goal… what’s going to happen??? Yeah!!!! It hits the pole!!! Oh miracle is just a great way to save the day.
The defenders, last of the most important of the goalie’s friends, the defenders have to be ready at all times so the strikers won’t be a problem to the goalkeeper, but that’s not the only thing , the goalkeeper has to have a connection with his defenders so they can understand him easier and everything the goalie means and tries to do, and most of the times save him from problems, in a good team goalie and defenders are the ones who have to make sure to keep the score on 0.

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Goalkeeper

To start this we going to put a definition of what goalkeeper is thanks to wikipedia : "In association football, each team's goalkeeper defends his team's goal and has special privileges within the game. The goalkeeper's main job is to stop any penetration of the ball into the goal.In many team sports, a goalkeeper (termed goaltender, netminder, goalie, or keeper in some sports) is a designated player that is charged with directly preventing the opposite team from scoring by defending the goal. Such positions exist in hurling, association football, Gaelic football, International Rules Football, handball, ice hockey, field hockey, netball, water polo, bandy, lacrosse, floorball and a number of other sports." this also is important, i found a line which explain something : "Usually special rules apply to the goalkeeper that do not apply to the other players. These rules are often instituted to protect the goalkeeper, being an obvious target for dangerous or even violent actions."
Violent? yes the goalkeeper is the one who has to defend the goal with everything he can and the strickers of the other team are going to start trying harder to score and the could do things that may hurt the goalie.
Also something that gets me really mad is when people say : "why didnt you keep that that was an easy shot", well i want to see them try, in the moment when he shoots you have to think about other factors or ideas the player may have as passing, crossing or which side is he going to choose when is 1 on 1.
But the thing that is really offensive and I dont like when people say : "Goalie si the easyest job on the field, all you do is stand there and wait for the ball to come.", Well people YOU ARE WRONG, that is not the only thing the goalkeeper does, he has to be ready at all times, the goalie has to have a different prospective of the game and see and visualise from the goal the way the other players are playing.The goalkeeper has to comand the defense and give advise and support to the strickers and midfielders and probably yell the whole game, also the goalkeeper has to have a fast reaction and change of decition.
I think the goalkeeper is the most important job in the game , phisically is not as rough as the other players like be running around the whole game but mentally is really tough and when the ball is near then is on and the phisical challenge starts because i have to know what to do , how to dive and how to stop the ball, if you dont do it right you may get hurt.
Personally i love to be a galkeeper and they say Im really good at it which makes me really proud.