Wednesday, April 22, 2009

We Lost... once again....

Yesterday, as every Tuesday we went to play on this place called “Connecticut Sport Center” somewhere in New Heaven or around there, to start I was late to the game because my dad was watching the soccer game of Liga de Quito vs. Palmeiras, then for my bad luck they were playing against the team I hate which is a “White Team” because of their uniforms not really because they are white, I got to the place and we were loosing 1 -0 it wasn’t that bad but I had to do something so I change my clothes and with 23 minutes left I started playing.
I started playing trying my best so I can show everyone that I’m the “best” in this case I and many people think I am a great goalkeeper so I had to keep getting attention and people to talk good things about me, literally I was doing everything I could to make my team win, as you know it didn’t go to well , they scored 1 goal on me in the first half and 3 others in the second, I put all my effort and everything but the team just didn’t help so I thought: “I’m going to score a goal” as I almost did in the last game playing as a goalkeeper and midfielder at the same time, so I tried that… it didn’t go well neither I just took the ball and started running trying to pass as many guys as I could and the third guy stopped me… and literally STOPPED me, he took the ball away from me and I went flying away, that hurt a lot he almost break my feet.
So I couldn’t do nothing for my team and we lost 5-2 … what I sad day for soccer, and I was also mad because I didn’t get to play the whole game :( .

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