Thursday, April 9, 2009

Irony ???

Well this is kind of weird , I had a soccer game on Tuesday at 8:30, before the game I don’t know what happened but for some reason I was throwing rocks at something in my back yard, all of the sudden I heard a “click” in my shoulder , that was the most horrible pain ever. I decided to go to the game after all, to begin with we didn’t have enough people in our team so we started with some people that didn’t know how to play so well but anyways we played , had fun and won 6 – 1, literally I didn’t even move a muscle in the game , it was really boring and I didn’t got tired , so after the game was over this orange team came to me and said “hey goalie we don’t have enough people, want to play with us ?” so I said ok (I’m not tired , I’m young , I got to stay until 10:30 so why not ).
Then things change! I also literally play the most horrible game I have ever played ever! , I can’t believe I made so many mistakes it was just ridiculous, even coach Tyson didn’t do nothing in that game it was incredible, we lost 10 – 2, Oh irony! I’m one of the best goalkeepers in CT playing the worst game ever! , and the worst part of it is that I got injured, I hurt my wrist and my shoulder even worst than what it was, and I played another game after it.

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