Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I can’t decide!

Man this is just crazy as it sounds, I play a lot of soccer and many people like what I do and they feel safe when I’m playing with them but, personally I think this is way to much work for me… I cannot handle this much pain but the worst thing about this is the indecision, as in this case: I’m playing in this team on Sundays but this other team wants me, the first team kind of “sucks” but the other doesn’t but in the first team I get along really well with the coach and he offer me everything I wanted if I stay playing with them but in the other hand the second team is my friend’s so is a though decision for me.
Now besides all that I also play on Tuesdays as you know, I have two teams and yesterday they were playing against my other team so I had to choose a side, mmm… so I decide the team that needed me the most, but guess what??? Yeah we lost they beat us 6-1 (for more info. Read next blog), so I put way to much effort on it and now I’m so hurt as you cant imagine, my body hurts and as we play too late at night I don’t have enough sleep so for indecisions I’m having a though time playing soccer and deciding what is the right thing.

1 comment:

  1. That is rough man... having to make these kinds of decisions is hard and there is rarely a good outcome, no matter what you decide.

    I actually had a similar situation earlier this year... Two teams wanted me to play rugby for them, one is a higher caliber team which plays at a much higher level. I would have become a better player had I stuck with that team. However, the other team needed me much more. I captained for them the season before and I felt like without me, the team would fall apart. I also got along great with all of the guys. Even though it wasn't better for my rugby career, I decided to go with the team that needed me more. I don't regret making that decision now, but sometimes I wonder what it would have been like to play for the other team.

    Weigh your options carefully and make the decision that you think is best. Then stick to it. Not everyone is going to be happy with whatever you choose, but as long as you know you made the right decision, that is all that matters.
