Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tuesday lost!

As every Tuesday we went to play on Connecticut Sports Center, to start my night the wrong way I went to the game an hour too early, good thing I had my friend Gregorio with me, at least that way we didn’t get bored so we were playing soccer with a volleyball in the volleyball court :D hehe that was pretty fun, so later on we got hungry so we went inside to eat some chicken tenders and vitamin water before the game started, after that great food we went to the “locker room” or actually the bathroom of the place and got ready.
Later on when the game was going to start the players of the other team also my friends were so sure they were going to win and they were like "oh ready to lose?" and i was "we may gonna lose but it aint going to be easy for you!".Well the game started and it didn't go so well, in like the first 5 minutes they scored the first goal it was the defence foult because they let him go by himself 1 on 1 with me and he scored but i almost kept it. My dad was mad at me he was like oh why cant you keep that that was an easy shot, I actually get really mad when they say that because being a goalkeeper is the hardest job in the game, so after that goal the game wasnt easy for them but they did won 6-1, i hate to lose against my own team but i enjoy playing against them.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I can’t decide!

Man this is just crazy as it sounds, I play a lot of soccer and many people like what I do and they feel safe when I’m playing with them but, personally I think this is way to much work for me… I cannot handle this much pain but the worst thing about this is the indecision, as in this case: I’m playing in this team on Sundays but this other team wants me, the first team kind of “sucks” but the other doesn’t but in the first team I get along really well with the coach and he offer me everything I wanted if I stay playing with them but in the other hand the second team is my friend’s so is a though decision for me.
Now besides all that I also play on Tuesdays as you know, I have two teams and yesterday they were playing against my other team so I had to choose a side, mmm… so I decide the team that needed me the most, but guess what??? Yeah we lost they beat us 6-1 (for more info. Read next blog), so I put way to much effort on it and now I’m so hurt as you cant imagine, my body hurts and as we play too late at night I don’t have enough sleep so for indecisions I’m having a though time playing soccer and deciding what is the right thing.

Monday, April 27, 2009

irresponsibility ???

Yeah irresponsibility … don’t you hate when I have an important game and the other team doesn’t show up? Well I do!
So both of my teams are out of the tournament, I don’t have anything to do no more besides just one game on Sundays, so I was really exited for this game and guess what? Oh surprise!!! The other team didn’t show up I felt so mad… also I have to go all the way from Saint Vicente’s hospital to Success Park to play , wake up on a Sunday at 8:00 am and go all the way there for nothing !!! yeah is ridiculous.
After all this problem that made me feel so bad and angry we ask the other team to play with us at least to do some exercise while we were there so the whole travel wouldn’t be in vane, also guess what? Yeah they said we will play! So they were getting ready and when they were ready they said: “we don’t want to play anymore”… oh cruel anger that is eating by body (again), so yeah I spent my whole beautiful Sunday morning in the soccer field doing nothing… how awesome is that ?

Friday, April 24, 2009


Sporting 4-3 Independiente Medellin
Goals: Alvaro Navarro 13, 90, Diego Vera 35, Diego De Souza 82 (Defensor Sporting); Luis Arias 19, Andres Ortiz 77, Diego Cabrera 90 (Independiente Medellin)
With the expecting of a win to advance and the visitors only requiring a point, the stage was set for a dramatic evening at the Centenario in Montevideo (Stadium). So it proved as the Group 4 rivals served up the game of the tournament so far, a seven-goal game that will define who stays in the competition.
Winning 3-2 with only two minutes remaining and a man to the good following Jair Benitez, Jorge da Silva's side seemed to have everything under control. They reckoned without Diego Cabrera, however, who headed home to level the game for Los DIM and give them the draw they had come for. But actually, the Uruguayans did not give up and in the fourth minute of stoppage time Navarro turned the ball into the back of the net to spark wild celebrations in the stands, scoring the winning goal for the Sporting.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ecuador starts in the right track...

The national Ecuadorian team won by 2 – 0 against Venezuela in the XIII south American tournament sub-17 of soccer in Chile which is going to give the first 4 places a ticket to the World cup that is going to be in Nigeria this year.
The Ecuadorian goals were scored by Luis Hernan Celi in the 61st minute and Kevin Tello in the last 3 minutes before the game ended.
The tournament, which is being hold in the city of Iquique (1.800 km to the north of Santiago, Chile until may 9th), 10 countries divided in two groups: in the group A are Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Paraguay y Peru, and in the group B are Venezuela, Chile, Uruguay, Ecuador y Argentina.
The winners of each group automatically are going to be in the world cup in Nigeria, and the other two are going to be the champion in the vice champion of the last round of the tournament which 6 teams are going to be playing in.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

We Lost... once again....

Yesterday, as every Tuesday we went to play on this place called “Connecticut Sport Center” somewhere in New Heaven or around there, to start I was late to the game because my dad was watching the soccer game of Liga de Quito vs. Palmeiras, then for my bad luck they were playing against the team I hate which is a “White Team” because of their uniforms not really because they are white, I got to the place and we were loosing 1 -0 it wasn’t that bad but I had to do something so I change my clothes and with 23 minutes left I started playing.
I started playing trying my best so I can show everyone that I’m the “best” in this case I and many people think I am a great goalkeeper so I had to keep getting attention and people to talk good things about me, literally I was doing everything I could to make my team win, as you know it didn’t go to well , they scored 1 goal on me in the first half and 3 others in the second, I put all my effort and everything but the team just didn’t help so I thought: “I’m going to score a goal” as I almost did in the last game playing as a goalkeeper and midfielder at the same time, so I tried that… it didn’t go well neither I just took the ball and started running trying to pass as many guys as I could and the third guy stopped me… and literally STOPPED me, he took the ball away from me and I went flying away, that hurt a lot he almost break my feet.
So I couldn’t do nothing for my team and we lost 5-2 … what I sad day for soccer, and I was also mad because I didn’t get to play the whole game :( .

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Irony ???

Well this is kind of weird , I had a soccer game on Tuesday at 8:30, before the game I don’t know what happened but for some reason I was throwing rocks at something in my back yard, all of the sudden I heard a “click” in my shoulder , that was the most horrible pain ever. I decided to go to the game after all, to begin with we didn’t have enough people in our team so we started with some people that didn’t know how to play so well but anyways we played , had fun and won 6 – 1, literally I didn’t even move a muscle in the game , it was really boring and I didn’t got tired , so after the game was over this orange team came to me and said “hey goalie we don’t have enough people, want to play with us ?” so I said ok (I’m not tired , I’m young , I got to stay until 10:30 so why not ).
Then things change! I also literally play the most horrible game I have ever played ever! , I can’t believe I made so many mistakes it was just ridiculous, even coach Tyson didn’t do nothing in that game it was incredible, we lost 10 – 2, Oh irony! I’m one of the best goalkeepers in CT playing the worst game ever! , and the worst part of it is that I got injured, I hurt my wrist and my shoulder even worst than what it was, and I played another game after it.

Monday, April 6, 2009

We are out !!!

Yeah this Saturday at 3.00 pm we got out of the tournament, it wasn't an even game, the dominated in the first half by scoring 3 goals on me but everything got worst when I got injured, when I was going to catch the ball my head hit my shoulder, I was out … I felt like I was going to die, It was a horrible pain.
So I got out of the game and we didn’t have another goalkeeper so they putted my friend who doesn’t know nothing about it and they score 3 more goals on him in 4 minutes , the first half ended 6-1.
I got back for the second half with a horrible pain in my head but my team needed me so I started playing again, I was doing an excellent job and giving motivation to my teammates, everything was going great, we scored 6 goals and we got ahead by one, at the end a mistake from my defense (really bad mistake) caused the goal of the other team , so it ended up 7-7.
Our team wasn’t happy but conformed with the tie while the other team was frustrated and mad about it but we didn’t know why, when we were about to leave the referee said: “Stay nobody can leave until somebody wins to keep going in the tournament”.
Yeah we got on extra time, what a horrible way to loose, in extra time! We lost 8-7 they scored in the last minute, so we got out of the big tournament.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

We Won !!!

Our Saturday team full of international teen soccers stars (like me) played against my Sunday team full of Old Mexican people in Stratford , this was a really interesting game even known we were betting the pizzas after the game.
Most of us give our best but i really didnt , i found it more like a game because they are all my friends and is pretty fun having all of them together playing so i just enjoyed it, even like that we actually won hehe the score was 11 - 9 , I being a goalkeeper almost score hehe it was pretty fun i just love soccer , the only bad thing is that i feel really hurt right now.

Mexico - Honduras

The mexican team won the last weekend against Costa Rica , yestarday playing against a lower team witch is Honduras didnt go to well , the "Tri" lost 3 - 1 in a game totally dominated by the Hondurian team , this game was played in Azteca stadium in Mexico.
This is the first victory in the qualifyers to South Africa , Honduras crashed the Mexican team with goals of Carlos Costly 15' , 78' ,Carlos Pavon 43 and the mexican goal by Nery Castillo 80'.
Mexico lost , the Hondurian team was better , stronger and they played very organized witch made the game way easier for them to beat a frustraited mexican team.

Ecuador vs Paraguay

Yesterday the Ecuadorian squad faced the Paraguayan team in the Atahualpa stadium , Ecuador needed to win this game if they wanted the chance to go to South Africa 2010 (the world cup).
Ecuador used the same team they used to play agaist Brazil except that the Ecuadorian DT Sito Vizuete put Paul Ambrossi on the team instead Walter Ayovi .
Ecuador started the game very well with much chances to score in the goal of a not too strong Paraguay , the Ecuadorian scorer Christian Benites had many many chances to score but he didnt have the skill enought to do it , the Ecuadorian DT had to change the tactics using Christian Noboa witch in his first minutes on the field score the first goal for whole contry witch was united to see this real important game.
Everything was going well for Ecuador untill in the last minute in the second half of the game when Salvador Cabanas (the Paraguayan stricker) scored with a header in a little mistake of the Ecuadorian defence leaving the game on a poor 1 - 1 leaving the Ecuadorian team out of the World Cup in South Africa.