Friday, June 5, 2009

Soccer gets you tired?

As you should know by now soccer gets you really tired and I think this is way to much for me… I can play soccer for hours and hours but not every day and until really late as I being doing this week, last Wednesday I played two games in the row the first one at 8 and the other one at 10, but it got me so tired that it was hard for me to keep playing.
At least I won the first game, and I didn’t suck but it was pretty bad, they scored about 5 goals on my, even know we scored 10 I’m not happy with what happened.
But the other game was just ridiculous, playing against the owner of “Corner Kick” is not fun man, it is but the dude knows the field so well that he scored on me from every position possible, he has a really awesome aim and skills which is just hard for me to stop.
This is not everything after that tiring night I had soccer practice next day and after practice another game, that’s just insane man I was so tired yesterday and I still am, even worst I have to come to school which really sucks because I didn’t have enough and I cant sleep in class because this #&^(%$ just keep talking $#*^ about me saying that I sleep in all my classes which gets me even madder that what I am.

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