Thursday, June 11, 2009


Yesterday in the awards they gave to the students who play sports, well actually just the best players get the awards. I got the M.V.P of Harding Soccer team, for me its kind a personal achievement which makes me proud because I know I deserve it and I worked for it. After along time of working hard to get something here I finally get it, but also last year I got a M.V.P medal which I don’t thing it was as big as the award from yesterday.
The M.V.P besides making me happy and proud also gave me motivation to play better, yesterday I had one of the best games I have play, and the “best game” Mr. Tyson have ever see me play, that’s what he said.
We won 9 – 5 but besides it was indoor the goals they scored on me was a bunch of own goals and mistakes of my defense where I couldn’t do nothing to stop them, but when I could I did and I did it well and well done as my job requested me to do it.

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