Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Crazy stuff !!!

Ok as you already know I like to write crazy things on my blog but this is probably the most ridiculous thing ever! Last Sunday that we went to play with the Ecuachamos team at New Heaven, guess what???
Yeah they picked another goalie over me which #&*ssed me off a lot and just the fact that I wasted two hours of my life made it even worst, I rather stay home or do anything else than seeing a looser steal my place, well it did matter a lot so I decided to quit the team.
I thought quitting the team could be the best idea because if I do that they are going to realize what they are missing and of course later they are going to want me back but I wasn’t going to play with them no more but today I changed my mind, instead of quitting the team I’m going to practice today and show them who the best goalkeeper is, also I know is me.
Also I had another great idea and I already talked to Mr. Tyson about it, the idea is that I might gather Warren Harding Soccer Team and take MY team to play against those Ecuachamos, it seems a good idea but lets see what happens later on.

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